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Terms Of Use

Date Modified: May 1, 2023


This user agreement ("agreement") is a contract between you and PRS Review, LLC and applies to your subscription to and use of products and services available through https://www.prsreview.com (collectively the "services"). Purchase of services indicates an implicit agreement with the Terms of Use. If you do not agree or do not intend to abide by these stated Terms of Use, please refrain from purchase or use of PRS Review services.

User Agreement

You must read, agree with, and accept all of the terms and conditions and our privacy policy before you become a subscriber to and user of PRS Review’s services.

We may amend this agreement at any time by posting the amended terms on our website https://www.prsreview.com (hereafter known as the "site"). Except as stated below, all amended terms shall be effective 30 days after they are initially posted on our site. Upcoming changes will also be posted on this page.

In this agreement, "you" or "your" means any person or entity subscribing to and/or using the service ("users"). Unless otherwise stated, "PRS Review," "we," or "our" will collectively refer to PRS Review.

Please read the following terms, conditions, and disclaimers in this agreement carefully before subscribing to our material. Agreeing to the terms of use includes the following:

Age Restriction

In order to use PRS Review services, you need to:

  1. Be 13 or older
  2. Have the power to enter binding agreement(s) with us without being restricted by any applicable laws


In consideration of and subject to your payment of the appropriate subscription fee for the services you subscribe to, and your agreement to and compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, PRS Review grants to you a non-exclusive, non-sub licensable, non-transferable license, and right to use and access the PRS Review content (the "licensed materials") from multiple devices/locations with non-concurrant login access ("different times"). You are not allowed to access the PRS Review content from multiple devices/locations concurrently (at the "same time"). Access of PRS Review services from multiple devices/locations concurrently will be defined as account sharing, and appropriate action will be taken as defined in the "Restriction Against Transfer" section of this agreement.

System Requirements

You must use a PRS Review recommended version of an operating system, Internet browser, and any other required software to access the licensed materials as specified in our system requirements. System Requirements are updated to account for advancements in technology. PRS Review reserves the right to discontinue support for any system at any time. Compensation will not be provided for inability to use or access the services on discontinued or unsupported systems/devices.

Software Use Terms

The PRS Review software used for the question banks (Qbank) (hereafter collectively referred to as "software") is designed to work with Java Runtime Engine (JRE) 8.0 or higher on Windows and Macintosh. Any attempt to use the PRS Review software with lower versions of JRE constitutes a violation of the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, and might result in unexpected behavior, for which PRS Review cannot be held responsible or liable for any damages. The PRS Review software is designed to access your computer system's clipboard during use. While a test is in progress, the PRS Review software shall disable all clipboard functions of your computer system (including, but not limited to, copy-paste-print and save-to-disk functions). Furthermore, the PRS Review software shall monitor all processes on your computer to determine if there exists any applications that could be used (intentionally or unintentionally) to copy contents. Simultaneous use of such applications (hereafter referred to as "dubious applications") with the PRS Review software constitutes a violation of this agreement. PRS Review reserves the right to determine which applications are classified as "dubious applications". When such a process or application is found to be active on a user's machine, the administrator will be notified with the process name. The user will also be notified with instructions to disable it on every attempt. In addition, PRS Review reserves the right to disable the launch of any test(s), if any such "dubious application" is found to be active on the user’s computer system. The user will not be able to switch between applications when PRS Review software is running. The user also understands and acknowledges this disabled function as part of the subscription terms.

PRS Review will always keep your account exam performance results confidential and will not provide such information to third parties without your consent. In the event that an educational institution (i.e., medical school or residency program) pays for the "services", the educational institution can request the performance results from PRS Review through your written consent.

The PRS Review software has been tested with a wide range of computer configurations; however, due to the rapidly evolving computer industry and unpredictability of various factors affecting computer systems, PRS Review does not guarantee the functionality of its software on every configuration, nor does PRS Review guarantee predictable behavior of the software in general. You recognize all of the above terms and accept that use of the PRS Review software on your system is done solely at your own risk.

Export Restrictions on International Sales

In accordance with current U.S. export restrictions, PRS Review software may be downloaded by individuals throughout the world except those in the following embargoed countries: Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea and Sudan. If you are residing in one of these countries, you may not purchase a subscription or download PRS Review software.

Access to Course Content

You shall be allowed to use the licensed materials for the specific course(s) and material(s) to which you have subscribed. Each course has its own subscription fees and course duration. You are not allowed to access the content of courses that you have not subscribed to.

Reasonable Use

PRS Review products are intended for individual self-study and exam preparation and are sold in the form of subscriptions. The products are designed to facilitate careful review by users of all content contained within the subscriptions in order to deliver maximum benefit and optimal study experience to our typical users (hereafter also referred to as "normal" product usage). "Typical" refers to users with a usage pattern of at least 90% of regular users of any particular subscription. Normal product usage does not include rapid creation of multiple tests without reasonable time for completion, usage of the entire subscription more than 2.5 times (defined as usage of every question contained in the Qbank at least twice, with up to half of the questions in the Qbank being used as many as three times), creation of more than 200 tests during a single pass through of the subscription ("single pass" defined as usage of every question contained in the subscription without any reset), or usage which is suspected to be shared between multiple users on the same device/network.

Usage of PRS Review subscriptions which is determined not to fall under reasonable use may result in action taken against the account, at PRS Review’s sole discretion. Subscription utilization that is indicative of, or arising from, impermissible business, multiple user, community, or fraudulent use may result in suspension or termination of the subscription in question. PRS Review may contact any user at any time to request clarification of a usage pattern which does not fall under reasonable use.


Most of the information collected in the registration process will be used to process orders. During the order process, you will have to provide financial information such as your credit/debit card number, expiration date, CVV2 code, payee name, and billing address. This information is used for billing purposes and to fulfill your order. To properly process your credit/debit card information, we must share your personal and financial information with the merchant bank for authorization and approval. This process is protected by an enhanced security system. We do not share your personal and financial information with any third parties, except those specified in our Privacy Policy.

When you attempt a transaction on our website, the card processor verifies available funds by placing a hold, or pending charge, on the amount of the intended transaction against your card. The card processor then confirms the accuracy of your remaining information (e.g., your address, CVV2 Code, expiration date, etc.) before processing the transaction. If you enter an incorrect address or other associated detail, then the transaction is declined. This is NOT a situation unique with this website, but it is how virtually all online transactions are handled. Typically it takes the card issuing bank 2-5 days to clear associated pending charges resulting from failed/declined attempts.

We charge for each successful transaction attempt and provide a confirmation of such on our website and send a confirmation email to the registered email address upon each successful transaction on our website. You can also log-in to your account on our website and click on "Payments" section to retrieve a copy of your payment receipt(s).


Except as otherwise provided in this agreement or at the sole discretion of PRS Review, no refunds, cancellations, or changes to subscriptions will be allowed. PRS Review reserves the right to refuse a refund if the user is found to be in violation of Terms and Conditions or acting against PRS Review’s interest.

Member Account/Password and Security

You must complete PRS Review’s registration process in order to subscribe to and use the services by providing us with current, complete, and accurate information as prompted by the applicable registration form. You shall be responsible for the accuracy of the data provided and may update your profile data in order to reflect the most accurate current information. You will also choose a password. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account and for any and all activities that occur under your account. You agree to notify PRS Review immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security. PRS Review will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password or account, either with or without your knowledge. However, you could be held liable for losses incurred by PRS Review or another party due to someone else using your account or password.


The licensed materials, including all intellectual property rights within the licensed materials (such as copyright) are the sole and exclusive property of PRS Review. By indicating that you accept these terms, you do not become the owner of the licensed materials, but are entitled to use them according to the terms of this agreement.

Subscription Term

You have the right to use and access the licensed materials for the course(s) you have subscribed to for the duration of your subscription period unless an interval of maintenance downtime has been scheduled. Content will be provided as described in the respective product description pages and may change during the course of a subscription period to remain relevant. For Qbank products, the number of questions may vary during the subscription term based on content changes and updates. However, Qbank subscriptions will always have a minimum number of active questions as described in the corresponding product description pages. The subscription period will start immediately after activation unless you notify PRS Review about a desired start date before using any of the licensed content. Subscription(s) cannot be suspended temporarily and reactivated at a later date. You must use the course material within the subscribed period, and no free extensions are offered in exchange for any unused time.

At the end of your subscription period, your right to use and access the licensed materials will expire automatically unless you renew under PRS Review’s current terms and conditions. A renewal will allow you to work on existing Qbank test information for a preset extended period. Renewals are offered as a continuation to a current subscription term but not for later use after this term has expired. You must renew the subscription prior to its expiration date. A renewal will be provided only for the course subscribed. Some courses are offered as a combination package(s), and renewal will only be permitted for individual courses in the package but not for the original combined package. This agreement and your right to use the licensed materials will also terminate at PRS Review’s sole discretion if you fail to comply with any terms or conditions. The Qbank test information will not be reset (deletion of test/performance/usage information) during the subscription period unless it meets the eligibility criteria described below.

Qbank reset eligibility is based on the continuous duration (without any intermediate breaks) of a currently active subscription and does not take previous subscription(s) into account. A reset is a permanent and irreversible purge (deletion) of all your test and performance data from our system. You may perform a reset directly from your account on our website. This option is available for only two circumstances outlined below:

  • Purchase of a new subscription: You purchased a brand new subscription (ie, your previous subscription expired and you did not renew) and still have the old information in your new Qbank, or
  • Continuous subscription for 180 days (6 months) or more without a reset: For users who have continuously subscribed to a particular course for 180 days (6 months) or more and whose subscription has never been reset, we provide a one-time only opportunity to reset the test information/Qbank. Qbank information cannot be deleted or reset in the middle of a subscription period except in the following two scenarios:
    • If you initially purchased a subscription for 180 days (6 months) or more, or
    • If you have held your active subscription for 180 days (6 months) or more without any intermediate breaks and it has not been reset previously

Renewal of an active subscription does NOT qualify as a new subscription purchase. An eligible Qbank subscription can be reset only once during its active period. Once it has been reset, another reset is not possible regardless of the remaining subscription time or purchase of renewal(s).

Permitted Uses

You may print out the allowed content from the most current version of the database solely for your personal educational use if you include a source reference to PRS Review and its copyright notice. “Allowed content” refers to that part of the PRS Review content where PRS Review specifically provides a "Print" icon for printing. PRS Review reserves the right to restrict printing for any content in the website. You agree to have access to a computer and the Internet to access PRS Review, but except as provided in this agreement, you may not print out the licensed materials. None of the Qbank contents are allowed for print, copy-paste, or save-to-media/disk, but cumulative performance, score reports, and notes are allowed for printing.


You are expressly prohibited from copying, reverse engineering, or modifying any or all of the licensed materials. No part of the licensed materials may be copied for resale or other commercial use or offered for sale or reproduced on any bulletin boards, web sites, discussion forums, Internet domains, or online chatrooms. You many not use any device, software, or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the site or any activity being conducted at the site. You may not disclose or share your password with any third parties or use your password for any unauthorized purpose.

Restriction Against Transfer

You are not allowed to sublicense, assign, share, sell, rent, lease, or otherwise transfer your right to use the licensed materials. All accounts at PRS Review are monitored for multiple logins. In the event that PRS Review believes at its sole discretion that an account is being used by multiple users at the same time, PRS Review reserves the right to terminate that account without any notice or refund. We also retain the right to sue on grounds of breach of contract. Therefore, please do not disclose your account details to anyone else.


In the event that you breach any term of this agreement, PRS Review may, at its sole discretion, terminate this agreement, your access to the site, and its provision of services to you without refund. PRS Review reserves the right to seek all remedies available by law and in equity for such breaches.


The trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed on the site are the property of PRS Review. Users are prohibited from using any PRS Review marks without the written permission and consent of PRS Review. All content on the site is protected by copyright.


PRS Review is a commercial educational service provider for individuals who are preparing for the Plastic Surgery Inservice Training Exam and the Plastic Surgery Written Board Exam. PRS REview is in no way affiliated with the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME®), Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons (ACAPS), the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), or any other official PSITE of Plastic Surgery Boards organizations.

No Warranties

PRS Review provides its services "As Is" and without any warranty or condition, express, implied, or statutory. We specifically disclaim any implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

  • PRS Review does not endorse, and is not responsible for, the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made through the site by any party other than PRS Review. Other than as required under consumer protection law, under no circumstance will PRS Review be liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on information obtained through the site. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice, or other content available through the site. Please seek the advice of professionals as appropriate regarding the evaluation of any specific information, opinion, advice, or other content.
  • The information provided in PRS Review is no substitute for individual patient assessment based upon the healthcare provider's examination of each patient and consideration of laboratory data and other factors unique to the patient
  • PRS Review reserves the right to withdraw subscriptions and the complete site if necessary. If this ever becomes necessary, you will only pay for the time of your subscription that has elapsed (on a pro-rata basis)
  • PRS Review will use reasonable efforts to rectify any error that occurs on its site but does not guarantee access to the site in case of software errors/viruses/other natural or technical catastrophes that cannot be repaired in spite of a reasonable effort
  • PRS Review will use reasonable efforts to keep its site online at all times. You understand that scheduled maintenance and problems out of the control of PRS Review can cause the site to be temporarily unavailable

Limitation of Liability

PRS Review specifically disclaims any liability (whether based in contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise) for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of or in any way connected with access to or use of the site, this agreement, and our services, even if PRS Review has been advised of the possibility of such damages, including liability associated with any medical malpractice or viruses, which may infect a user's computer equipment. PRS Review’s maximum liability arising out of or in connection with your use of its services and site, regardless of the cause of action (whether in contract, tort, breach of warranty or otherwise), will not exceed your subscription fee.

Confidentiality of User Communications

Except as required by law, PRS Review will maintain the confidentiality of all user communications, which contain personal user information and which are transmitted directly to PRS Review. Your postings on any public arena, such as a message board or in any chat room, will not be protected as confidential, and PRS Review may use and disclose information contained in any such postings (including any ideas, concepts, know-how, or other intellectual property) for any purpose deemed appropriate by PRS Review.

Search engines and web crawlers

The information that is posted on PRS Review is routinely indexed by search engines and web crawlers (like Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc.). Therefore, when an online search is conducted, the information posted might show up in search results. If you do not wish for posting to be made publicly available or indexed by third-party search engines, then do not make a post on our website.

Linked Internet Sites

PRS Review is not responsible for the content available on any other Internet sites linked to the site. Access other Internet sites linked to the site is at your own risk.

You may link to the home page of our website as long as the link does not cast us in a false or misleading light.


PRS Review is under no obligation to review any messages, information, or content ("Postings") posted on the site by users, and assumes no responsibility or liability relating to any such postings. Notwithstanding the above, PRS Review may from time to time monitor the postings on the site and may decline to accept and/or remove any postings that contain:

  • Any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, racial, ethnic, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind, including, but not limited to any material which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law
  • Advertisements or solicitations of any kind
  • Messages posted by users impersonating others
  • Personal information such as messages which state phone numbers, social security numbers, account numbers, addresses, or employer references
  • Messages by non-spokesperson employees of PRS Review purporting to speak on behalf of PRS Review
  • Messages that offer unauthorized download of any copyrighted or private information
  • Multiple messages placed within individual folders by the same user restating the same point

DMCA Guidelines

In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), PRS Review encourages all copyright infringement claims to be made in writing. Any registered user or visitor to the PRS Review website who believes they are a victim of copyright infringement should notify the PRS Review DMCA agent immediately.

If you are the copyright owner or an agent acting on behalf of the copyright owner, please provide us the following information:

  • The description of the probable copyright infringement material(s)
  • Any information that can assist PRS Review agents to properly pinpoint the information, including, infringer's user ID, URL of the page, date of posting, etc.
  • Detailed contact information, including your full name, address, e-mail, and telephone number
  • Include the following statement: "I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law."
  • Include the following statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."

Send written communication to:

PRS Review
488 Cedar Grove Road
Pittsboro, NC, 27312, USA

Governing Law

This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and all prior agreements, representations, statements, and undertakings, oral or written, are hereby expressly superseded and canceled. This agreement is governed by the internal substantive laws of the state of Wyoming in the United States of America, without respect to the conflict of laws principles. Jurisdiction for any claims arising under this agreement shall lie exclusively with the state or federal courts within Wyoming in the United States of America. If any provision of this agreement is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of this agreement shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term.

Should you have any questions regarding this agreement, you may contact us at any time.